This news page brings you the latest probiotic news, trends and expert advice. Stay tuned for blogs, product updates, case studies and probiotic news every week.
A compassionate lifestyle is not just about food: swapping chemical cleaning products for vegan, cruelty-free, PETA certified versions makes a difference.
Cancer rates and toxicity exposure are rising – and using cleaning chemicals can have the same cancer risk as smoking. Probiotic cleaners are carcinogen-free.
Probiotic ear cleaner spray helps to prevent dog ear infections and can also provide a solution to unresponsive recurrent ear infections.
If you live in a hard water area, limescale build up can be a continual problem. Choosing De-Scaler that is 100% natural yet highly effective is an easy solution.
Chemicals and a circular economy are naturally incompatible and a block to effective recycling. Probiotic products provide a solution.
Curious about how ‘spray on’ probiotics can make a difference in your pet’s life? Check out our new flip book of real stories and see the impact for yourself!
Probiotics are the future and the reign of harmful chemicals is coming to a necessary end.
If you want to find out more about probiotics from an independent source, we recommend this article from NIH.
You can find more resources at our resources page.
Our probiotics news is written by experts. Have questions? Call us on 01268 544530.