This news page brings you the latest probiotic news, trends and expert advice. Stay tuned for blogs, product updates, case studies and probiotic news every week.
Upgrade your pet’s dental care with our powerful pet plaque remover. The natural probiotic formula proactively keeps teeth and gums healthy.
Itchy dogs can mean constant scratching, stress and sleepless nights. This case study shows how Lisa used ‘spray on’ probiotics to help her dog Molly.
When it comes to keeping your home clean, especially with pets around, floor cleaners are essential. However, not all floor cleaners are created equal!
How topical eye care probiotics and swapping chemicals for pet safe cleaning products promoted natural healing of Bella’s sore, infected eyelid.
How the healthy good bacteria in probiotic odour removers remove the root source of smells without polluting indoor air with toxic chemicals.
The sun is out and its time to enjoy life on the ocean wave! But are your water sports cleaning products safe for rivers, oceans and aquatic life?
Probiotics are the future and the reign of harmful chemicals is coming to a necessary end.
If you want to find out more about probiotics from an independent source, we recommend this article from NIH.
You can find more resources at our resources page.
Our probiotics news is written by experts. Have questions? Call us on 01268 544530.