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Vegan Cleaning Products | Different Way to do Veganuary

How vegan cleaning products support a more compassionate lifestyle…

This world-famous vegan challenge Veganuary celebrated it’s 10 year anniversary in 2024. Since a ‘kitchen table’ beginning in 2014, the challenge now operates officially in 20 countries. Millions of people from almost every country in the world have taken part. 1.8 million people signed up in January 2024 alone, and that same month #Veganuary was viewed more than 894 million times on TikTok.

But in our opinion, it’s not just about the food.

You can also move towards a more ethical, sustainable and compassionate lifestyle simply by replacing your chemical cleaning products with vegan, animal welfare friendly versions. This news post explains more.

How our Provilan Vegan Cleaning Products Upgrade Your Life

Way back in 2017 the Vegan Society found that more than half of UK adults (56%) were adopting “vegan buying behaviours”. This meant that as well as reviewing diet, people were starting to look at the ethics behind other products – including the manufacturing of chemicals.

So if the overuse of toxic chemicals is starting to make you uneasy, it’s never too late to break a habit of a lifetime!

Something as simple as switching to vegan, animal cruelty-free, probiotic products leads to lasting, positive change. It’s better for your health, for your pets, for aquatic life, for the planet as well as animals:

1. Vegan Cleaning Products that are Better for Animals, Aquatic Life and Pets

Manufactured With Compassion

Animal welfare is not just for Veganuary: choosing probiotic vegan cleaning products over chemicals creates a kinder, safer world for animals.

All our naturally-sourced probiotic products are manufactured with compassion for animals. They are certified by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) as being cruelty-free and vegan. Companies certified by PETA do not conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and pledge not to do so in the future.

And whereas probiotic-based products are intrinsically safe and are supportive of health and life, chemical-based products are generally not. This creates a problem for companies that manufacture chemical cleaning products; safety testing during research and development has to be the highest priority.

As a result, animals are sometimes still used to test if inhaling, ingesting or just being exposed to a chemical product or ingredient causes:

  • Toxicity.
  • Long-term illness.
  • Skin sensitivity, pain, allergic reactions, burns.
  • Damage to eye sight.
  • Reproductive and pregnancy issues and birth defects.

And it not just mice that suffer. Dogs, cats, rabbits, frogs, fish, farm animals and more are all tested on for the sake of producing cleaning chemicals.

Chemicals Have a Price Tag for Health

The aim is to keep unsafe products off the market and protect the consumer, the environment and the workforce. But many chemical cleaner data safety sheets are scary reading. Do you ever read them? They often clearly state that the product: 

  • Carries some or all of the health risks above.
  • Risks permanent illness, injury and even fatality if ingested by unsuspecting pets.
  • Is ‘lethal to aquatic life’. Unfortunately, this is commonly stated for products designed to be continually discarded into waterways via toilets, sinks and drains.

The good news though, is that animal testing is declining as companies move away from the practice because of ethical concerns and new regulations. The UK banned all forms of animal testing for household cleaning products in 2015, but the RSPCA still has concerns. Some clauses can be overridden if deemed necessary to satisfy other legislation such as the EU Chemicals Regulation (REACH). And although ‘end product’ animal testing is rare, testing on individual ingredients still happens.

Brands don’t advertise their animal testing, so it’s not always easy to know which do. Cruelty-Free Soul lists some of the well-known brands that still use animal testing.

You may be surprised by some of the names on the list; some newer brands that are genuinely cruelty-free have larger parent companies that still test on animals.

The article also explains the type of products involved. These include laundry detergent, washing up liquid, multi-purpose cleaners, air fresheners, floor cleaners and hand soaps.

Safe for Aquatic Life and Pets

The other good news is that our probiotic vegan cleaning products are:

  • Non-toxic, non-allergenic and suitable for sensitive skin
  • Completely safe for use around your beloved pet.
  • Safe to be discarded into the waterways. In fact, rather than harming the environment the added healthy bacteria (probiotics) keep on working, cleaning the waste water. There is no need for expensive and time consuming hazardous waste disposal.

No Animal-Derived Ingredients

Did you know that traditional cleaning products can contain a variety of animal ingredients? Or that plant-based and vegan are not always the same?

This is because – unlike vegan cleaning products – ‘plant-based’ may still include small amounts of animal products such as:

  • Caprylic acid (sourced from cow’s milk).
  • Eggs (used as binders in products such as dishwasher tablets).
  • Lanolin from sheep’s wool (used as an emollient).
  • Lethicin from animal tissues (used as emulsifier). 
  • Oleyl alcohol from fish (used as emollient and stabiliser).
  • Beeswax (often from overworked bees).

Source: Ecozone – 31 Vegan Facts and Insights for Veganuary

2. Vegan Cleaning Products that are Better for the Planet

Green living is one of the pillars of veganism – and vegan cleaning products are one of the most overlooked aspects of green living. If you are starting to pay more attention to the environmental impact of your product choices, choosing probiotic vegan cleaning products is a great start. This helps reduce your carbon footprint and the impact on climate change.

Read more in our news posts explaining how our vegan cleaning products are eco-positive, sustainable and free from toxic, harmful chemicals.

3. Vegan Cleaning Products that are Better for Health – for You and Your Pets

Choosing Provilan means that you are also choosing products that are safe to use, with no toxins, carcinogens or parabens.

This helps to protect the health of you and your cleaning operatives as they are completely safe and non-polluting. 

It also protects the health of your pets. Read our news posts on Pet-Safe Cleaning Products to find out more.

Making the Switch to Vegan Cleaning Products Today

All our vegan-friendly cleaning products can replace the normal products you use to clean. This includes hand soap, toilet cleaner, washing up liquid, glass and window and kitchen and bathroom sprays.

why probiotic cleaning products

Note: Our Provilan probiotic pet care products are also vegan and cruelty-free. They help to reduce chemical and pharmaceutical use in pets. They include pet shampoo, allergen prevention spray, ear care spray and dental spray.

Interested in switching to naturally sourced, vegan cleaning products? Discover the range  or contact us to find out more.