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Customer Complaints Procedure

Our aim at Ingenious Probiotics is to constantly improve our customer service. Our Complaints Procedure is designed to help you tell us if you are unhappy with your experience, and help us to resolve the issue promptly, fairly and consistently.

You may contact us in person, by phone or email to register your complaint. The member of staff who was initially involved in the problem will try to resolve the matter directly with you at this early stage.

If Step one did not resolve the problem, you should make a complaint in writing to Clare Phillips, Director, at Your complaint will be logged and we will acknowledge receipt within two working days.

We will conduct a full investigation. If more appropriate, we will pass the complaint, with a tracking sheet clearly identifying timescales, to a relevant manager for further investigation. The investigating manager is responsible for conducting a full investigation and providing a written response to the Director.

The investigating manager will provide results of the investigation within 10 working days of receiving the complaint. You will receive a signed letter of reply detailing the outcome and actions arising from the investigation within 15 working days of receipt of the complaint. If we are unable to meet the above timescale we will let you know.

If you are dissatisfied with the responses received, you may appeal directly to the Director within 15 working days of the date on the response letter. The appeal should be made in writing, stating the reasons.

You will be notified in writing of the result of the appeal after all evidence has been reviewed. This will normally be within 10 working days of receipt of the appeal.

In the unlikely event that the matter is still not resolved to your satisfaction, you may take the complaint to the Ombudsman. This is an independent and impartial means of resolving disputes outside the courts.

Pure Ingenious Ltd will monitor the progress of the complaint at all times. We also analyse the number and nature of all complaints and their outcomes to continually improve our service.      

This Complaints Procedure was last reviewed on 6th June 2023.