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Raw Feeding Support Pack - FREE Universal Cleaner 1 Litre Worth £15!

Alleviates Hygiene & Odour Concerns Associated with Raw Feeding

raw feeding support for raw fed pets
raw feeding support for raw fed pets
LUCAA+ Dental Spray
Probiotic Odour Remover
Probiotic Dish Soap
Probiotic Floor Cleaner
Probiotic Hand Soap

Raw Feeding Support Pack - FREE Universal Cleaner 1 Litre Worth £15!

Alleviates Hygiene & Odour Concerns Associated with Raw Feeding

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Raw Feeding Support Pack for Dogs and Cats

Our probiotic Raw Feeding Support Pack addresses issues that may worry you when raw feeding your pet.

Appropriate raw feeding can give your dog or cat many health benefits. However, raw feeding at home sometimes raises concerns about hygiene and odours, especially if your pet’s chronic ill-health triggered your move towards raw.

As such, our Raw Feeding Support Pack contains five probiotic products from our LUCAA+ Pet Care and EVAA+ Home Cleaning ranges. Together, these:

1. Reduce the Risk of Cross Contamination

Raw meat can contain parasites and harmful bacteria (such as E.coli and Salmonella), which are usually killed by cooking. Handling raw meat can therefore raise concerns about potential health risks to your household – via food or your pet.

The Raw Feeding Support Pack has three eco-friendly, pet safe cleaning products that alleviate these concerns about hygiene. All have added healthy ‘good’ bacteria (probiotics) that stay on surfaces for up to 3 days and reduce accidental cross contamination of harmful bacteria. The probiotics also consume raw food waste at a molecular level.  This reduces unpleasant odours cause by stray raw food molecules.

EVAA+ Probiotic Washing Up Liquid contains helpful probiotics that safely eliminate raw food residue from food bowls. As an added bonus, if your pet has chemical allergies, washing their food bowl with this sustainable dish soap reduces their exposure to harmful chemicals. (NB: Not suitable for dishwasher use).

EVAA+ Probiotic Hand Soap contains helpful probiotics that effectively remove stray raw food molecules. They remain on your hands after washing or sanitising with alcohol-based hand gel and continue to protect from bacterial infections such as E. coli. This skin-friendly moisturising hand wash is both gentle and thorough. Ingredients are 99% natural and dermatologically tested.

EVAA+ Green Floor Cleaner is suitable for all hard floors except parquet flooring. The added probiotic ‘good’ bacteria break down and eliminate organic matter residues that may remain on the floor after feeding.

2. Reduce Bad Breath and Unpleasant Odours

The Raw Feeding Support Pack includes two probiotic pet care products. These reduce unpleasant odours and bad breath that sometimes occur when raw feeding.

LUCAA+ Probiotic Pet Dental Care optimises oral health. This easy-to-use spray eliminates raw food molecules and harmful bacteria that promote tartar deposits and cause bad breath. The helpful probiotics consume any raw meat stuck in the teeth. Just spray directly onto teeth.

LUCAA+ Probiotic Pet Odour Remover removes raw food molecules that cause lingering smells, rather than masking with chemical air fresheners. Apply this anti-odour spray directly onto your pets coat and surrounding area. Ingredients are naturally-sourced with no dyes and will not stain.

3. Alleviate Chronic Health Issues Caused by Allergens and Chemicals

The move from processed to raw food is often in response to chronic, uncomfortable and distressing health issues. These include allergies, dermatitis and uncomfortable skin itching, frequent bacterial ear infections and tear stains.

A raw diet can improve many of these symptoms. Replacing common household cleaning chemicals with pet-safe products that are protective and skin-friendly also helps. This reduces exposure to indoor environmental allergens in your pet’s living space and on their coat.

For example, the eco-friendly floor cleaner is hypo-allergenic and made from 98% natural ingredients. It will not exacerbate your pets chemical or skin allergies, especially if they like to sleep on the floor. Read our news post to find out more: How Pet Safe Cleaning Products with Probiotics Protect Your Pets.

All products are PETA certified as animal cruelty-free. Ingredients are quickly biodegradable and free from toxins and pollutants including parabens and bleach. All products come with a vet’s recommendation.

Overview – What’s in the Pack?

The complete bundle includes:

BUY NOW for a FREE EVAA+ Probiotic Universal Cleaner 1 Litre Concentrate worth £15.00! Properly pet safe and ideal for cleaning pet carriers, cars and all around your home.

Add the matching empty trigger spray bottle for even easier use.

See the Probiotic Raw Feeding Support Pack Infographic.

Wondering if fresh really is best? It’s a personal choice, but this book is fascinating: Feeding Dogs – The Science Behind The Dry Versus Raw Debate

You can also watch our guest spot on Raw Pet Medics.

If you have any questions, please get in touch. Call 01268 544530 or email today.

IMPORTANT: Always consult a vet if in doubt. If you would like more information on raw feeding for your vet, point them towards the Raw Feeding Veterinary Society for more information.

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LUCAA+ Probiotic Products



LUCAA+ Probiotic Products

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