A BBC study showed car commuters breathe more pollution than walkers or cyclists… BUT household cleaning products are as polluting as cars.
‘Some children on the school run in Sheffield inhale the equivalent of a packet of cigarettes every week’. This devastating statement from The University of Sheffield was the trigger for a recent BBC study on the amount of pollution breathed in on the journey to school. They measured air pollution levels experienced by three families using different transport modes on the same school run – and the results were unexpected. Those travelling by car were subject to the highest levels of pollution:
- Car: 44% over the limit.
- Walk: 40.1% over limit.
- Bike: 1% over limit.
But that is not the really bad news… A study published in the Journal ‘Science’ last year showed household cleaning products are now as big an air pollution threat as cars.
And for one type of pollution – tiny particles that can damage people’s lungs – emissions from chemical products are double those from transportation.
This means that you are stuck between an air pollution rock and a hard place; indoors and outdoors. You can’t control what is happening on the roads, but you can make a change that will make your indoor environment safer. Switching to probiotic-based, natural cleaning products is completely safe, highly effective and proven to be non-carcinogenic. You will reduce the chemicals in your indoor air and reduce the long-term threat to your health.
Download the new EVAA+ Commercial & Residential Microbial Cleaning Range brochure to find out more.
Read the full Science article here.
Or watch the full BBC video here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/science-environment-49976247/who-breathes-the-most-pollution-on-the-school-run.
Contact Ingenious Probiotics today on 01268 544530 or enquiries@pure-ingenious.com – and make this simple change to protect your health and well-being. Take control and start reducing the pollution you breathe in, wherever you can.