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Healthy Cleaning

A new study links increased disinfectant use during Covid to decreased asthma control. Probiotic cleaning is better for your respiratory health.

22 February 2021

Concentrated versions of our Provilan probiotic cleaning products save you money and allow flexibility whilst reducing your plastic use and carbon footprint.

17 February 2021

Do chemicals and dust trigger your asthma or allergies? Allergen-reducing cleaning products with added ‘good’ bacteria are the solution.

26 January 2021

Joe Flanagan’s recent Cleanzine magazine article discusses the reports that Covid surface transmission is ‘unlikely’ – and what that means for chemical cleaning.

12 January 2021

Joe Flanagan explains the health benefits of probiotic cleaning products over traditional cleaning products when returning to the workplace post Covid.

12 November 2020

“Today I spoke to a fascinating man, Joe Flanagan from Ingenious Probiotics about cleaning products…” listen to the Mike Porter radio interview today.

12 November 2020