Healthy Cleaning
Cancer rates and toxicity exposure are rising – and using cleaning chemicals can have the same cancer risk as smoking. Probiotic cleaners are carcinogen-free.
If you live in a hard water area, limescale build up can be a continual problem. Choosing De-Scaler that is 100% natural yet highly effective is an easy solution.
Chemicals and a circular economy are naturally incompatible and a block to effective recycling. Probiotic products provide a solution.
Top 10 Benefits of switching to probiotic cleaning products. The game changer for healthier indoor spaces for you, your family and your pets.
Join us in creating a kinder world. Choose pet care and cleaning products that you feel good about – because your choices really do make a difference.
A thought for pet poison awareness month… if cleaning chemicals aim to kill all living microorganisms what are they doing to your beloved pet?